Friday, September 12, 2008

Just Beginning!

Molly & Mama on the first day of school!
August 25, 2008

Seeing as it is pretty late (after midnight) I probably need to make this entry a short one. This is my first blog so thanks for being patient as I figure it all out. I've been playing with it for a couple of hours now, so I guess the first entry wasn't a short one after all! The first title of my blog (Molly-Pops!) pretty much sums up what has been going on with me lately. (I decided to change the title so the blog was about everyone and not just me.) Molly-Pops! is the name of my new embroidery and sewing business and it is, of course, inspired by my own Molly! My sweet girl is 1 1/2 now, but she was just a little baby when I came up with the idea of Molly-Pops! I bought a new embroidery/sewing machine last summer and have since then tried to get Molly-Pops! up and running. I wanted so badly to make a career change so that I could spend more time with my girl, that my great hubby set up a website ( for me and that gave me the push I needed to launch Molly-Pops! It is really just a hobby that brings in a little extra every now and then, so I really just do it for fun! I would love for it to blossom, but we will have to see what God has in store. And God has provided in other ways as far as the career change is concerned - I am now working at Kilbourne Park Baptist Preschool as the one-year-old teacher and Molly is in my class. I couldn't ask for a better set up (and it's right across the street from our house so most days we walk). I cherish this new slower paced life and absolutely love being more available to my family. I thank God daily for allowing me to make this change. Well, it looks like I rambled more than I expected. Thanks for reading!


Rachel said...

Awesome post! Your blog looks great too! I looked at MollyPops and would love to get something monogrammed!

Jenny said...

I am LOVING your little side money making biz...I am definitely going to have to place an order!

The Hawkins said...

Wow, Molly has gotten so big! Wish I could give her a hug. Miss you and love the blog!